Ensure that you are using the same google account email to log in as was given to your training provider. If this problem persists please contact your training provider.
If you have already enrolled. Sign in using your Google account that you nominated during your enrolment.
Please complete the following steps prior to your course start date.
1. You will need to have a Google account to access your online classroom. If you do not already have a Google account you can get one fast and free HERE
2. Please send us the email address you use to log into your Google account, along with your name. We just need your email address, not your password or any other Google log-in details. You can send us these details in a reply email to the email we sent you, containing this link.
3. You will receive the web address for your course delivery platform on your course commencement date, You will be able to log into your course delivery platform using your email address - The one you gave us that is associated with your Google account.
Thank you!